The Benefits of Seasonal Decluttering: A Fresh Start Every Six Month


When we talk to our clients about maintaining a clutter free environment we always use the seasons to help them get into a regular routine. There’s something refreshing about a seasonal change — a transition that ushers in the chance to reflect, reorganise, and reset. And what better time to do that than when the clocks change? Twice a year, as we “spring forward” in March and “step back” in October, we can use these transitions as reminders to declutter and reorganise our homes and lives. This simple habit not only helps maintain a tidy environment but also supports mental well-being, boosts productivity, and helps us embrace the changing seasons with a fresh perspective.

The Power of Seasonal Decluttering

Decluttering is more than just a trend; it’s a way to release the mental and emotional weight that can build up in our homes over time. A cluttered space often leads to a cluttered mind, increasing stress and reducing focus. Studies show that people who live in cluttered environments are 77% more likely to feel anxious or overwhelmed . By decluttering every six months, we give ourselves the gift of mental clarity and a sense of control over our surroundings.

When we synchronise decluttering with the bi-annual clock changes, we align with natural cycles. As the clocks change, we can also change our living spaces, ensuring our environments reflect the new season ahead. It’s a practical reminder that it’s time for a fresh start. The small shifts in light and daily routines are the perfect nudge to assess what we no longer need and what might serve us better in the months ahead.

Decluttering for the Season Ahead

Different seasons have distinct energies and demands, and our homes should reflect that. In spring, as the days grow longer and warmer, decluttering helps to clear out the heavy, darker elements of winter, making room for light and energy. This might involve packing away thick blankets, winter clothing, and seasonal décor, and creating space for lighter fabrics and brighter colours.

As we head into autumn, decluttering allows us to prepare for shorter, cooler days by bringing in warmth and coziness. Decluttering at this time might mean putting away summer items like beach gear or garden furniture and embracing a space that fosters comfort for the cooler months ahead.

This process of aligning our environment with the seasons creates a home that supports our well-being throughout the year. As psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter explains, decluttering can help reduce stress and improve mood by removing the distractions of excess . When your home reflects the season, you can better embrace the unique qualities of that time of year, whether it’s the blossoming optimism of spring or the cozy comfort of autumn .

The Scandinavian Influence: Hygge and Lagom

We can use the Scandinavian principles of creating a harmonious living environment through two cultural concepts

 — *hygge* and *lagom* — these can inspire our decluttering efforts.

Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) is the Danish art of coziness. It’s all about creating an environment that fosters warmth, contentment, and well-being. Hygge emphasises comfort and simplicity — the perfect antidote to a cluttered, overwhelming space. When we declutter, we can embrace hygge by leaving room for soft textures, warm lighting, and spaces that invite relaxation. Research shows that cultivating hygge can improve happiness and reduce stress, especially during the darker, colder months .

Lagom (pronounced lah-gom) is a Swedish philosophy of “just enough” — not too little, not too much, but just the right balance. This concept of moderation can guide our decluttering by encouraging us to keep only what we truly need and what brings us joy. A lagom-inspired home avoids excess and focuses on practical, beautiful simplicity. The Scandinavian way of life, heavily influenced by these principles, has been linked to lower stress levels and higher life satisfaction .

Both *hygge* and *lagom* promote intentional living — a key aspect of seasonal decluttering. When we declutter with the goal of creating a balanced, cozy space, we’re not just organising; we’re crafting an environment that supports our physical and emotional well-being.

Statistics on Decluttering and Well-being

A UK survey conducted by Life Storage revealed that 81% of people reported feeling more productive after cleaning or decluttering their homes, and 75% said decluttering improved their overall mood . This shows that tidying up your space can have an immediate, positive impact on your mental state.

How to Start Your Seasonal Declutter

Now that we understand the benefits, how do we put this into practice? When the clocks change, use it as a reminder to declutter specific areas of your home:

  1. Wardrobe: Remove clothing that doesn’t suit the upcoming season. Store out-of-season items and donate what no longer fits or sparks joy.


2. Living Areas: Clear surfaces of clutter and swap out heavy blankets or rugs for lighter alternatives in spring, and introduce cozy textures in autumn.

3. Storage Spaces: Use this time to clean out storage spaces like cupboards, basements, or garages. Keep only what you need and dispose of or donate the rest.

4. Mental Decluttering: Decluttering doesn’t have to be physical. Consider going through your digital files, emails, or even resetting your calendar and to-do lists for the season ahead.


Decluttering every six months, timed with the natural transition of the seasons, is a simple and effective way to maintain a balanced home and a clear mind. Drawing inspiration from Scandinavian principles like *hygge* and *lagom*, we can curate a space that feels cozy, comfortable, and harmonious. By decluttering when the clocks go forward and back, we’re not just clearing physical clutter but also refreshing our mental outlook for the months ahead. This twice-yearly ritual offers an opportunity to reconnect with our surroundings, reduce stress, and enjoy the evolving beauty of each season.


Moving from Chaos to Calm in Your Home Life and Environment: